Tuesday, April 21, 2009

iPhone Blog Client, Desktop Blog Client, and Static

Before I start talking about Windows Live Writer, what I’m writing this post in, I’d like to do a little update on my last post. I just wanted to emphasize how disappointed I was in the blogging apps available for the iPhone. I wish I knew how to program and I’d try to come up with something. Sounds like a challenge for Magellan Arts (www.magellanarts.com) But enough on that, on to Windows Live Writer.

So the whole blogging platform is totally new to me, over time I’ve become used to the Twitter, locked down, 140 character posts that seem to be the norm now a days. To acclimate myself I’ve been trying to see everything that’s available, hence playing around on my PC and iPhone with what’s around. So far the iPhone was a let down with iBlogger and BlogPress. Out of the two I would go with iBlogger. It seemed to be the easiest to use.

Now I’m using the new Microsoft Windows Live Writer, which I really like. First off when I set it up I was able to provide all of my Blogger/BlogSpot information and as you can see in the screenshot it automatically pulled all of my blog info and set me right up.


It auto setup the background as black, font the light green, etc. Even to add that screenshot was extremely simple. I just pressed the ‘Print Screen’ key then the magical Paste combo of ‘Ctrl + V’ and poof, my screenshot was there and ready in my blog. It even automatically set it up as a thumbnail and the ability to click and open the pic in a new tab. Pretty cool I do have to say. Of course on the side of Live Writer you get all the obligatory buttons of Hyperlink, Picture, Photo Album, Table, Map, Tags, Video, Add a Plug-in, everything you’d expect to want to do with a blog posting. Well that’s all I have for now. I’ll play around a bit more and see if I can get an update out of Live Writer.

Now for static, this whole time I’ve been sitting here I’ve been hearing static through my speakers from my damn iPhone. I’m about to either smash it or attempt to cover it in aluminum foil to hopefully stop the static noise. Any one else have any ideas?